Biblestudy groups

At the moment we have two different Bible study groups that meet once a week in different places in the community. Together we read a Bible passage and take time to share what God is speaking through that passage. Our aim is to encourage people to get to know God better through scripture and bring that into practise in their daily lives. Sometimes we go out into the community together to share what we have learned with others and to support those who are in need.

Kids ministry (4-12 years)
Three times a week we do kids ministry for children between 4 and 12 years old in three different villages. We aim to create a safe place for them to play, be themselves, learn about life and Jesus and experience the unconditional love of the Father. Together we play games, sing songs and we always share a Bible story. Through all of this we want to give the children a strong basis for their relationship with God through the experience of His love and help them to know their identity and grow in their faith and giftings. We believe that in that way they can also positively influence their families.

Youth ministry (12-19 years)
We believe the youth are not only the leaders of tomorrow, but also of today and if they know and understand their identity, they will really rise up and make a positive impact on the world around them. Therefore, we are running youth ministries to provide a safe place for young people to discover who they are, grow in their faith and in their relationship with God. We help them find their God-given talents, giftings and the calling God has put on their lives. And of course we have fun together through games, dancing and much more. There is one mixed group and two groups that are specifically targeting girls.

Door-to-door/Market evangelism
During market evangelism we reach out to the people in the different market places in the area. Either by one-on-one conversations or by doing an open-air with for instance a drama and the preaching of the gospel. The purpose of this is to reach out to the people who haven’t heard the gospel yet and share the good news with them and to encourage those who are already in Christ.

During door-to-door evangelism we reach out to the people in the community by going to their houses to tell them the gospel, encourage them, and pray for healing, deliverance and/or their needs. And from time to time we do this together with the youth from the youth ministries or de the adults from the Bible studies.

Practical help for the community
God has given us compassion for the people around us. By connecting with the people in the neighbourhood, relationships are built to share Gods love. There are different ways in which we try to support the people in our community. We visit them, share the gospel, encourage them and pray for them. But we also give practical help. Examples of this are helping elderly on their agricultural fields, making roofs, toilets, water pumps, but also supporting girls that want to get out of prostitution.

Collaborating with the local church
It’s important for us to be connected to the local church and collaborate with them. We run youth programs together, staff members are part of different churches, we teach and preach in local churches and give DTS students the same oppertunities. The church is not the building, but it’s the body of believers. We want to motivate other believers to also go and make disciples, just like Jesus commanded his followers to do.

Marriage councelling
Before Ali and Mphatso started YWAM Zomba, God placed a vision on their heart for the restoration of marriages. As a part of this vision they organise marriage seminars and coach individual couples, providing tools to improve their marriage.